Friday, October 07, 2022

Wishing an extraordinary long life

Surely the President of the Russian Federation enjoys a most happy birthday with all his dear friends, and everyone will have done his best to make the flawless democrat happy.
I do wish him an extraordinarily long life with but one tooth left – and 59 minutes toothache each hour – whilst his testicles are slowly and painfully rotting!

16 years ago, October 7th, 2006 some admirers intended to surprise (?) their beloved President with a very very special present - and let assassinate Anna Politkovskaya.

Well, and here's a List of murdered Russian journalists.


  1. We all know who is behind these journalist killings just ask Vladimir

  2. I also wish him permanent and incurable Hemorrhoids. And a heavy head cold (also incurable).

    1. Oh, Sue, what lovely birthday wishes. Pious Vladimir is welcome to share fraternally with pious Cyril I and pious Ramzan Kadyrov.

  3. People like him make me profoundly sad. What good they could have done in the world had they chosen.

    1. Indeed, Mimi. You can also understand my curses as an attempt to cover up my sadness.

  4. Vergonyós i inacceptable.😒

    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. Por decirlo suavemente, Paula. Muy suavemente. / To put it mildy, Paula. Very mildly.

  5. Es terrible ver los asesinatos que Rusia lleva a cabo a opositores y periodistas.
    Gracias por traerme hasta tu espacio.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Welcome to Omnium, Marta.
      I always admired brave journalists, f.e. under Pinochet in Chile, in Mexico, in Russia. I doubt, if I were so brave if I had to be. / Bienvenida a Omnium, Marta.
      Siempre he admirado a los periodistas valientes, por ejemplo, bajo Pinochet, en México, en Rusia. Dudo que yo fuera tan valiente si tuviera que serlo.
