Thursday, December 01, 2011


'The markets are getting nervous.'
The markets are important?
Ha ha ha ha ... up til ... infinity ...

The photo's being taken by the astrophysicist on his recent (private) session.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cover Story 0004 - Ch.18_a

What we talk about when we talk about love
Dreams of dreams
Confusion of the feelings

First love, [last rites]
Days of joy

Erogenous zone
Nights of love and laughter
Kama Sutra
The orgy - an idyll

Little misunderstanding of no importance

Don Juan's temptation
The Siren
An occasion of sin

Now it rains slaps in the face
I want to know why
A touch of chill
Well, as you can easily see here, I decided to change the title. August 13th, 2010 this happened. Could not explain why, but I felt not comfortable with the idea, and thus cover story 0004 after 18 chapters* got covered with a dust layer.

Perhaps it will again, and you will not come to know the end of the story. That is why I think I should give you at least a glimpse of what you might miss:

* actually 17, as yours truly scatterbrain had jumped from Chapter 4 to Chapter 6 :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The big black bird has come

Bye, bye, Wiggerl. Thanks for all, and: Werd' endlich glücklich!

Komm großer schwarzer Vogel, komm jetzt!
Schau, das Fenster ist weit offen,
schau, i hab Dir Zucker aufs Fensterbrett g'strat.
Komm großer schwarzer Vogel, komm zu mir!
Spann' Deine weiten, sanften Flügel aus
und leg s' auf meine Fieberaugen!
Bitte, hol mi weg von da!
Und dann fliegen wir auf,
mitten in'n Himmel,
in a neuche Zeit, in a neuche Welt,
und i werd' singen, i werd' lachen,
ich werd' "es gibt's net" schrei'n,
weil i werd' auf einmal kapier'n,
worum sich alles dreht.

Komm großer schwarzer Vogel, hilf mir doch!
Preß' Deinen feuchten, kalten Schnabel
auf meine wunde, auf meine heiße Stirn!
Komm großer schwarzer Vogel,
jetzt wär's grad günstig!
Die anderen da im Zimmer schlafen fest
aber ganz leise san,
dann hört uns die Schwester net!

Bitte, hol mich weg von da!
Und dann fliegen wir auf,
mitten in'n Himmel,
in a neuche Zeit, in a neuche Welt,
und i werd' singen, i werd' lachen,
und i werd' "das gibt's net" schrei'n,
weil i werd' auf einmal kapier'n,
worum sich alles alles dreht.

Ja? Großer schwarzer Vogel? Endlich!
I hab' Dich gar nicht einikommen g'hört,
wie lautlos Du fliegst,
mein Gott, wie schön Du bist!
Auf geht's, großer schwarzer Vogel, auf geht's!
Bye bye, meine Lieben daham!
Du, mein Mäderl, Mama, Papa!
Bitte, vergeßt's mi net!
Auf geht's, mitten in'n Himmel,
net traurig sein, mm mm!
's ist kein Grund zum Traurigsein!
Weil i werd' singen, i werd' lachen,
i werd' "es gibt's net" schrei'n,
i werd' endlich kapier'n,
i werd' glücklich sein!

Ja, I werd' singen, und i werd' lachen,

und i werd' "Es gibt's net!" schrei'n,
i werd' endlich kapier'n,
i werd' endlich glücklich sein!

And here's a both quick and humble first attempt to translate from the Austrian. Suggestions for improvement are welcome.

Well, you will understand, anyway.

Come, big black bird, come now!
Look, the window is wide open,
look, I've spread sugar on the sill for you.
Come, big black bird, come to me!
Span your wide gentle wings,

and put them on my fevereyes!

Please, get me away from here!
And then we fly up
right into the middle of heaven,

into a new time, into a new world,
and I'll sing, I'll laugh,
I'll scream "Es gibt's net!"*
'cause all of a sudden I'll get
what all is about.

Come, big black bird, so help me, please!
Put your wet cold beak
on my sore, on my hot brow!
Come, big black bird,

now there's the opportunity!
The others in the room are sleeping deeply,
but let's be very quiet,
so that the nurse won't hear us.

Please, get me away from here!
And then we fly up
right into the middle of heaven,
into a new time, into a new world,
and I'll sing, I'll laugh,
and I'll scream "Es gibt's net"*,

'cause all of a sudden I'll get
what all is about.

Yes? Big black bird? At last!
I didn't hear you come in,

how soundless you fly –
my God, how beautiful you are! 

C'mon, big black bird, c'mon!
Bye bye, my dear one's at home.
You, my girl, ... Mama ... Papa.
Please, don't forget me!

C'mon, into the middle of heaven.
[Ah] Don't be sad ... mm mm [no no no];
There's no reason for sadness,

'cause I'll sing, I'll laugh,
I'll scream "Es gibt's net!",
I shall at last understand,
I'll be happy.

Yes, I'll sing, and I'll laugh,
and I'll scream "Es gibt`s net",

At last I'll understand,
At last I'll ... be happy.

* I did not come to think of a proper translation for this idiom. It's meaning is somewhere between "I don't believe it" and "My arse!"  :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

200 years later bowing with respect

“But paradise is locked and bolted...
We must make a journey around the world
to see if a door has perhaps been left open.”

Heinrich von Kleist (October 10th, 1777 – November 21st, 1811)

Thursday, November 17, 2011