Monday, January 11, 2021

Friday, January 08, 2021

The sawing goes on

Sie sägten die Äste ab, auf denen sie saßen
Und schrieen sich zu ihre Erfahrungen,
Wie man schneller sägen könnte, und fuhren
Mit Krachen in die Tiefe, und die ihnen zusahen,
Schüttelten die Köpfe beim Sägen und
Sägten weiter.
Humble attempt to translate as literally as possible.
Suggestions for improvement are welcome.

They sawed the branches on which they sat
and called out to eachother their experiences,
how one could saw faster, and fell
with crack into the depth, and those watching them
shook their heads while sawing and
went on sawing


Bertold Brecht (10 February 1898 – 14 August 1956)


Thursday, January 07, 2021

If stupidity is joined by power

"Der Ignorant missachtet die Belehrung.
Und wenn zur Dummheit sich noch Macht gesellt,
scheut er kein Mittel der Zerstörung."

The Ignorant disregards the instruction.
And if his stupidity is even joined by power
he does not shy away from any means of destruction.

Ivan Krylov (13 February 1769 – 21 November 1844)

Sunday, January 03, 2021

Saturday, January 02, 2021


Reminded I feel
of japanese poetry
and kalligraphy


Thursday, December 31, 2020

Same Procedure as Every Year

If counted well the Germans today can/could watch Dinner for One (The 90th Birthday) 16 times at different times on various TV-channels, and apart from the original in various German dialects, inclusive Schwiizerdütsch (Swiss German). Very strange folks, the Germans. Well, judge for yourself. 

Tiny tip-off: Be absolutely determined not to laugh. 


Dinner for One