Monday, December 10, 2007

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A chimpanzee for president!

Reading this will let you understand why (most) politicians as soon as the polls close would have forgotten all they promised on the hustings.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Ardently asked for seven facts

Being "ardently" asked to "divulge seven facts" about myself, fulfilling this wish although when starting my expedition into the blogosphere I was (and still am) determined to politely reject in case of getting tagged, implicates ...

fact 1: I am inconsequent ... now and then. :)
Putting this insufficiency of character posivitely: I like it to make people happy. :)

fact 2: I do like (subtle) irony: Once telling a bookseller about my difficulties with learning Irish, he would nod and say: "Well, it needs a bit intelligence."

fact 3: 1. Once coquetting with Buñuel ("I'm atheist ... thank God"), by default of the perfect term I do call myself an agnostic; still I made Lough Derg and climbed Croagh Patrick on my bare feet; and while some people would burn flags because of a book they did not read, I read the books and would not burn flags, if anybody would call a stray dog Sean. :)

fact 4: books. There are about 3,000 in the shelves around me, and - I did even read them. :)
Being asked which one I'd take "to the island", I could not decide and would therefore prefer lots of papers and pens, so that I could write the stories I want to read, myself. :)

fact 5: In my very first school report the lady teacher remarked: "Sean is neat and industrious although very idiosyncretic".

fact 6: I am (mostly) trying to do unto others as I would have others do unto me.

fact 7: Therefore - will you please forgive me , Ardent? -, I shall not tag anybody else. :)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

News from Russia ha ha ha

There have been elections in Russia?

I see.

The media are selling the results as news.

A "news" which a ready wit might have written twelve weeks or twelve months beforehand with sufficient accuracy.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Pen and ink make me think

Hm. Yes. Extraordinarily busy not writing, for a while, I've been.

Not writing? Well, rather I should write posting.

It's been nice, for a change, using the long neglected pen.

Dipping the pen into the ink pot makes me think much more concentrated.

It's not such easy to delete typos or "wrongly" chosen words.

And, although a beloved person once told/taught me that "the perfectionism is the enemy of the good", I am still trying to be (as) perfect (as possible).

:))) No. Not in English.
When using the pen(cil) I do still prefer the language I sucked from my mother's breasts.

And therefore you will not read here what I put to paper during the past fortnight.

Perhaps - who knows - one day someone who sucked the English language from his mother's breasts will translate it in a hopefully congenial way. :)

Before, though, you may read some most imperfect posts.

The peace of the night. :)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

109,263 tiny mistakes

Knowledge is power.

The President of the United States is (said to be) the most powerful human being on this planet.

George Walker Bush gained his knowledge in Texas.

This explains a lot.