Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Of mize and men

A superior being holding the tail of ...
a mouse killed by a cat.
Be sure, ladies and gentlemen,
any Ahmadinejad, Bush, Chavez,
Putin, Obama, Rumsfeld, Merkel, Monti or Chinese politician

does consider you being a mouse.
For them you do not exist.
Same goes for Cheneys's Dick, Lady Cameron and
any Saudi Arabian prince(ss) of incest.

In case you are reading this in 100(1) year's time:
Choose the name of your favourite politician.

The peace of the nigh

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mother-Cross for McSwagger

Mr. McCain* says he would pursue Obama ... err ... Osama bin Laden “to the gates of hell”.

Mr. McCain* - peace be upon him - is a swaggerer**, i.e w/talking with an air of overbearing self-confidence, conducting himself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manner.

Mr. McCain* would pursue any terrorist as much as any Pharaoh took part in building a pyramid.

All he'd do were sending thousands of (young) people*** not only to what he calls the gates of hell. Many of them would step through.

As Mr. McCain* like all Cheneys on this planet can't get enough human recources for his chessbord games, the pious follower of the legendary Jesus Christ votes against abortion.

Tetrapilotomos suggests the world-wide invention of a certain mother-cross.

* the name is exchangable. I do, f.e. remember Vladimir 'Ras' Putin once saying (to the Chechen): 'We shall squelch these animals/critters/vermin'.

** One could also say: Mr. McCain* is a bloody liar.

*** mind you, no sons of members of Congress and Senate, of course!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A chimpanzee for president!

Reading this will let you understand why (most) politicians as soon as the polls close would have forgotten all they promised on the hustings.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

From Privilege to Prejudice

It's the blogger's privilege not to write. Thanks to God and his wife. To tell what I am used to tell (the truth): I am still too excited about the essential inherent interior essence which was hidden in the lead of an article published by BBC, and surprised that it did not yet receive the befitted worldwide attention.
In case you happened to not read yesterday's post you may feel free to catch up with what you haphazardly missed.

And now for something completely different:
It's a citizen's right to criticise politicians; at least it should be. The more as many of the latter are doing their best to deserve being punished in Devil's kitchen.
It's not just a journalist's right but duty to objectively criticise politicians; at least it should be taken as a duty.

As for myself, I do not seldom get close to ecstasy once I have started to grumble or even shout unseemy words at this or that politician; not, of course, in this blog. :) Only the TV and Schrödinger (our cat) could appear as witness. And I do feel at my best when it comes to generalize!!

Therefore - you wouldn't believe I could be serious? - I know it's good and even necessary at least sometimes to have someone who offers the chance to catch one's reflexion. For this reason tonight I recommend this column by Mehmed Ali Birand.
May you ponder his thoughts.