Friday, March 21, 2008

A journalistic Hiroshima

What is another's accident, is the other's catastrophe.

No problem with this.

No problems either when people who would not care about (catch-)words, do call an accident 'catastrophe'.
Let alone they have not been taught/told: Very often such 'uneducated' persons are wiser than those who think they got the best education one could get under the sun.

But when journalists who - in my (in this case not) humble opinion - should know better, do call an explosion the Albanian Hiroshima and an Apocalyptic tragedy, they should give up their profession.

Mind: Those who lost beloved, may call what happened whatever comes to their mind. But journalists who would dare to write such rubbish are poor idiots*.

* not in the classical sense. May any idiot sue me. It will be my pleasure.

And be sure, I could give you thousands of examples for (embedded*) idiocy.
But please don't ask me to give them.. I am tired. Really tired.
On the other hand: As long as millions of those who are allowed to vote - come on, here's a chance to severely attack me :))) -, would spoil money to buy such excellent papers / to watch such super mega TV-channels, it's a market, would you agree?

* here I am not refering to those journalists who'd go in bed with the 'devil' for what they - or rather their masters call a good story, but to something general: education.

Ah, another trap I digged for myself. Okay: education is a 'hot field'. Who would set the canon? What if the pupil does not wish to listen to the teacher(s); to the parents (who may have had good or bad teachers)? Who defines what's a bad teacher?
Should teachers teach what has been thought, or should they teach inspire thinking?

Rhetoric question. Yes. Sorry about such a simplicity.

Anybody who thinks s(h)e has a simple / the one and only answer to the problem: Very welcome!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Two simple poems

I do remember our daughter asking in February 2003: "Do you think one million poems plus your's will change anything?"

What a wise young woman.

My answer: I could sit in front of the teli, watching the tales of Mr. Bush et. al., chips in one hand, bottle of beer in the other, muttering indecent words, and I'd change nothing. And I could write a poem.
It will change nothing, either. But at least I shall not have kept silent.

These were my second and my third poem I ever wrote in English:

[As an answer to Mr. Bush saying: 'Either you are with us or against us.'

New World Order


pleading for peace
without diplomacy
are being taught:
You are an enemy.

And the second, refering to '"Enduring Freedom":

Enduring Peace

or: The Whore of war"


Once upon a time
- not in the years of Babel, though, -

a puppet said with oily voice:
"I am a peace-loving person"

and offered "World"this choice:

"Either you are with us, or you are against us."

pushing forward to
the inmost inner
of the roots of the core,
united peace-lovers
found a visionary lore:
Short after unweaponed "World"
embraced the whore of war.

"World" would need no ...

... no; no ...: would HAVE no
enemies anymore!

As, some years later:

Goodman Death knocks:
"The game is over!"

The puppet’s life flees,

and so does the masters'
And 'World says: R.i.P.!

The rest is peace ...

(How naive? - I told you, it’s fiction.)

'Noble' criminals

Yes, yes, I do remember.

Today, five years ago the first 'noble' bombs fell on Bagdad.

'Shock and awe.'


Let me anticipate you do have all information I had during the past nine years.

It spares me repeating millions of words.

I'd like to say so much, though.

I won't!

Only this.

Bush, bin Laden et. al. are one side of the medal.

Cheney et. al. are the third (sic) side of the medal.

I wish these gentlemen will become 2003 years old, suffering from their testicles rotting off. - And I mean it. I mean it with all my heart!


Just to make sure: Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Pearle (please continue page 112) are (war-) criminals.

Nothing against soldiers. They are useful idiots. Example: Mr. McCain.

This does not mean I do expect any better in case Mrs. Clinton were going to enter the oral office (sic), or Mr. Obama with his adviser Brzezinski.

By the way, (latest) in case polls were 'telling' one of the so-called Democrats might be winning, I'd not be surprised if there were a new war (guess where) initiated*, as 'one does not change the horse during war times'.

* no! No! There will never (!) be an outbreak of war. A war would always (!) be instigated.

Experimental speed-blogging

What's this then?


Well, as the title says: an experiment.

I shall be writing and posting fast tonight, as the thoughts come; not caring about typos, not looking up my dictionaries in order to - hopefully :) - find the proper word, trusting upon that those who have (virtually) come to 'know' me (a little) better will leniently smile, ...
... and perhaps even you who's just stumbling upon this site.

So let's go. Without filtres.

Hm, yes - one filtre will be on!

But that - a spontaneous decision :) - is already worth a post of its own.

Anticipating a question:

Why would you run the risk to make an exhibition of yourself?

Answer: Is there a risk? :)

In other words: Critizise my thoughts, negatively and/or posively. Correct my mistakes. Do whatever you wish. Your opinion is highly appreciated, the more when you do it in a friendly manner. :)

In this sense (as Robert Frost once said):

Go on talking
but don't take my style away,
it's my face - may be not good,
but anyway,
my face.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Rush to Croagh Patrick

A minute ago, Tetrapilotomos sent following photo and comment.

Seems your early afternoon post caused a spontaneous exodus. Bars and pubs empty. Traffic jam on all major roads to Mayo. The first topers ... err ... pilgrims arrived at 13:20. In five-minute-intervals RTE's repeating following message, sponsored by the Guinness Brewery and Bushmill's: 'People of Ireland: Return to your pubs. His Holiness will not be serving free Guinness and uisce beatha on top of Croagh Patrick.' Nobody seems to listen ...

St. Pat's crawling

Optimists would undertake climbing Croagh Patrick today as on top his Holiness might be serving free Guinness and uisce beatha.

Instead, more Irish will enter a bar and get pretty stone-drunk.

Which is why clever - one could also say:
optimistic landlords use to have two professions.
