Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wanderer's Night Song

Wanderers Nachtlied

Über allen Gipfeln
Ist Ruh',
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest du
Kaum einen Hauch.
Die Vöglein schweigen im Walde.
Warte nur, balde

Ruhest du auch.


Wanderer's Nightsong

Over all peaks

Reigns calm,
In all treetops
Senseth thou
Barely a breath.
The birdies keep silent in the wood.
Simply wait, soon
Resteth thou, too.

translated by McSeanagall :)


  1. McSeanagall has lost none of his skills. Splendid presentation.

  2. Nice translation, but I am not sure if the words are a meant to bring comfort or despair. But I like words that can be seen in different ways.

  3. Glad you like both, Ashley. Thank you.

    Isn't it, Jams. Glad you like it.

    Thank you, CherryPie.
    The photo was taken near Gargnano on the westside of Lake Garda. Very nice up there, especially when there are no tourists around. :)

    McSeanagall thankfully bows. :)

    Don QuiScottie,
    There have been quite a few interpretations since 1815.
