Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Beers & Books LXIII – Seán O'Casey

The hallway of every man's life
is paced with pictures;
pictures gay and pictures gloomy,
all useful,
for if we be wise,
we can learn from them
a richer and braver way to live.

Seán O'Casey (30 March 1880 – 18 September 1964)


  1. I remain rather fascinated by your Germanic fascination with all things Irish, especially words, but I think I recall you telling me you would only explain this over pints of plain in a Dublin pub, or something like that (which will never happen, sadly). Pints of Deuchar's (or better) in The Cambridge Bar in Edinburgh, just possibly...

    1. Or The Red Squirrel bar in Edinburgh... they have about 20 craft beers on tap at any time... Or... ach, too many options and too little likelihood.

    2. Yes, to explain would take at least as long as the story of the seal, and the story of the seal is as everyone knows pretty long a story anywhere – in a Dublin pub, in The Red Squirrel or in a local pub just round the corner.
      The likelihood that this will happen might seem little, but then I remember a few things I thought they could never happen ... and they happened.
      Who knows then? One day Don QuiScottie and Seanso Panza might sit together and asking holes into eachother's belly (German idiom).

    3. No German idiom I have heard has made much sense to me, perhaps if I understood them in German it might help. Or if I was German that might help even more.

  2. I do like that quote - and have thousands of words in my head to paint pictures. Pictures both gay and gloomy.
