Showing posts with label Giulio Stocchi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giulio Stocchi. Show all posts

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Beers & Books CXCII – Giulio Stocchi

Con questa poesia della tua gloriosa penna in mente
alzo il mio bicchiere, caro vecchio amico.
With this poem from your glorious pen in mind
I raise my glass, dear old friend.

* * *

L’amico che è morto
di notte mi torna
a parlare
Mi chiede notizie
del mondo
che ha dovuto
Ascolta ciò che dico
Poi scuote la testa
e scompar
The friend who died
comes back to me at night
to speak
He asks me for news
Of the world
that he had to
He listens to what I say
Then he shakes his head
and disappears

Giulio Stocchi (20 January 1944 – April 2019)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Augurio, poeta! :)

Another 365 days flown by like 'like farts in the wind' (which is the title of one of his poems): Today my dear friend Giulio Stocchi is celebrating his 'compleanno'.

Auguro a te per le prossimo 366 giorni




e - specialmente se mai qualcosa non immediato vuòle andare liscio -

sereno placidità e viceversa calmo serenità!

May your muse don't stop kissing you, poeta, and may Pegasus give you a good ride. :)

This afternoon I enjoyed hearing the master's voice by listening to 'La Cantata Rossa per Tall el Zaatar' (an album by Gaetano Liguori (music), Giulio Stocchi (text & voce recitante)) and Demetrio Stratos, featuring Concetta Busacca, Pasquale Liguori and Roberto Del Piano, originally released in vinyl LP format, 1976).

But 'The red cantata for Tall el Zaatar' is perhaps a bit dark for such a day.

So may I introduce you to

Pandolfer the cat (translated by Deborah Strozier)

This is the story
of a stray cat with no home
he runs down the streets
the rooftops he roams

yellow is his mane
the color of sulpher
they gave him a name
they called him Pandolfer

Pandolfer the cat
was born in May
he’s big and he’s brave
and he sleeps by day

Pandolfer the cat
is a tiger true
battles with the mice
and wins thirtytwo

By visiting Giulio Stocchi's site and clicking Pandolfer the cat, you get the whole fiaba [not only] per bambini. :)