Sunday, December 19, 2021

Beers & Books CLXXIX – Italo Svevo

È un modo comodo di vivere
quello di credersi grande
di una grandezza latente.
    It is comfortable to live
in the belief that you are great,
though your greatness is latent.

Aron Hector Schmitz
(19 December 1861 – 13 September 1928)

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Beers & Books CLXXIV – Peig Sayers

“If curses came from the heart,
it would be a sin.
But if it is from the lips they come,
and we use them only
to give force to our speech,
they are a great relief to the heart.”

Peig Sayers (1873 – 8 December 1958)