I'd suggest: The Ash of the Day |
Máirtín O'Cadhain (1906 – 18 October 1970)
"Our civilization, bequeathed to us by fierce adventurers, eaters of meat and hunters, is so full of hurry and combat, so busy about many things which perhaps are of no importance, that it cannot but see something feeble in a civilization which smiles as it refuses to make the battlefield the test of excellence."James Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941)
Thursday, 24 April An elderly customer told me that her book club's next book was Dracula, but she could not remember what he'd written. |
Friedrich Gulda (16 May 1930 – 27 January 2000)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791)
John Hume (18 January 1937 – 3 August 2020)
... |
Ali Smith *24 August 1962
Dice la tarde: "Tengo sed de sombra!" Dice la luna: "Yo, sed de luceros." [...] Says the afternoon: "I'm thirsty for shadow!" Says the moon: "I want stars." |
Federico García Lorca (5 June 1898 – 19 August 1936)