... |
Egon Erwin Kisch (29 April 1885 – 31 March 1948)
"I don't have many friends. It's not because I'm a misanthrope. It's because I'm reserved. I'm self-contained. I get all my adventures in my head when I'm writing my books." |
Truthfully, without over-egging it, as I often do, the library and journalism, those things made me who I am. |
Three hours a day will produce as much as a man ought to write. |
Anthony Trollope (24 April 1815 – 6 Dezember 1882)
Love of, and respect for, the humble routine of everyday life and its creatures was the only moral commandment which carried conviction when I was a child. |
“La palabra es libertad.”
The Intellectuals in Spain's Drama (written 1936/37) |
María Zambrano 22 April 1904 – 6 February 1991)
"The prudence of the best heads
is often defeated
by the tenderness of the best hearts."
Henry Fielding (22 April 1707 – 8 October 1754)