Hm. Yes. Extraordinarily busy not writing, for a while, I've been.
writing? Well, rather I should write
It's been nice, for a change, using the long neglected pen.
Dipping the pen into the ink pot makes me think much more concentrated.
It's not such easy to delete typos or "wrongly" chosen words.
And, although a beloved person once told/taught me that "the perfectionism is the enemy of the good", I am still trying to be (as) perfect (as possible).
:))) No. Not in English.
When using the pen(cil) I do still prefer the language I sucked from my mother's breasts.
And therefore you will not read here what I put to paper during the past fortnight.
Perhaps - who knows - one day someone who sucked the English language from his mother's breasts will translate it in a hopefully congenial way. :)
Before, though, you may read some most imperfect posts.
The peace of the night. :)