Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Fabulous February


  1. Thank you for sharing. It's so gray in Toronto. No snow...No sun...Wind and rain. Very strange winter.

  2. It's that high-pressure, completely dry, cold cold air we've got here in Germany at the moment. I was in the sauna yesterday and, at one stage, directly after showering, spent five minutes outside, talking to two other people. Touching the back of my head, I found that the water, which had gathered at the ends of my hair, had turned to ice!

  3. That's a bit extreme Francis!

    Great photo Sean, although February is far from my favourite month. Maybe this one will change my mind... That's it, I am on a Make Friends with February mission from now (and don't make jokes about its lack of stature as the littlest month - how did that happen? Cutting back a few 31 day months to 30 could restore February's dignity... sorry, I digress.

  4. That's a glorious view. I love the row of trees along the hillside, but it's the colour in the sky that makes it all magic.
