Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday is Skyday

And elder sunset ...
... so to write.


  1. Amazing.

    What planet are you on?

  2. Seriously though, lest you feel my friend Don QuiScottie spoke too much in jest, that is an incredible sky. Was the image manipulated at all, other than by Nature? I don't think I have ever seen anything like that.

  3. Jams,
    had I not been too lazy to walk a quarter mile, I might have been rewarded with even a better view.

    That's what I thought, too, Don QuiScottie, the more as the planet I am on amongst many human beings is known as the Blue Planet.

    having taken the photos, I did not manipulate anything.
    Manipulating photos for artistic reasons for me is okay. As I am no photo-artist, more than 99,9 percent of my photos would not get manipulated.
    For several reasons.

    the more glad I am that I was able to share, what lasted but a few moments.

    isn't it? :)
