Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th started well:
Which ones from my wishlist
might be waiting for me there
so nicely packaged.
Control yourself, Sean.
First of all,
inaugurate the fancy ceramic grater.
Off to the kitchen!


  1. Have a wonderful day and all the days to come.

    1. Thank you, dear Sue, 'all days to come' would be wonderful.

  2. Amb tots aquests regals, com no pot ser un bon dia?... encara que sigui divendres i 13. Em sembla que els dos paquets que estan sense obrir, són llibres.😉
    Bon cap de setmana!.

    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. Gràcies, estimada Paula.
      Sí, com no estar agraït de poder celebrar el que possiblement va ser el teu últim aniversari un divendres 13.
      Eren llibres “per descomptat”. Llibres de la meva interminable llista de desitjos que s'actualitza constantment a la llibreria de la meva filla. ;-) / Yes, how could one not be grateful to have been able to celebrate one's possibly last birthday on a Friday the 13th.
      It was "of course" books. Books from my never-ending wish list, which is constantly updated in my daughter's bookshop.

  3. Hi Sean - the presents do look so well wrapped, while the paper looks fun too. Is that a ceramic grater there - the pottery platter looks special. Those roses are delightful too. The donkey (or is it a unicorn looking after the presents?) and owl are giving you blessings for the 13th - happy days ahead.

    I'm sure the tasty pleasures arising from the kitchen after you'd been in there will have satisfied the family ... Enjoy the years to come - cheers Hilary

    1. Dear Hilary, the elegant wrapping paper let me decide to take a photo before unpacking the desired books. The delightful roses grow in Seanhenge. Donkey and owl are 'but' decorations. The donkey, by the way, is my favourite protagonist in Cervantes' "Don Quijote". ;-)
      Yes, and the grater might add to 'tasty seanish pleasures'. ;-)
      Thank you for your kind wishes.

  4. I wish you much joy in your use of these.

  5. Replies
    1. Fancy yes, but I think it will take me a little time to get used to it. It is so different from the graters I use for years.

  6. You will soon get the hang of the ceramic grater,they are so easy to use. Really good for garlic and ginger.

    1. I think so, too, though knowing that the older the dog gets the harder it is to teach it new tricks. ;-)
