Sunday, October 08, 2023

Less and more

While getting almost 90 percent
less apples than in '22,
this was an extraordinary
good onions-peppers-and tomato-year.
We might even go nuts. ;-)


  1. Home grown tomatoes make a sad mockery of the ones sold in our stores. I cannot wait until the danger of frost is over and I can plant some again.

    1. Home grown without any use of pesticides. O.K., some year we get more, some year less. But that is worth it.
      Do you buy plants, or do you sow them?
      Anyway, good luck with your tomatoes.

  2. I have a black thumb and cannot grow my own tomatoes, so we are blessed to have people around here who do so and sell them right from their own yards. They are a delight.

    1. We use almost everything ourselves, but occasionally hand some over the garden fence to our neighbours.
      As for your black thumb: I doubt that. Latest after two weeks in Seanhenge it would be green, anyway. ;-)

  3. The harvest at Seanhenge is indeed plentiful

    1. Plentiful, indeed. Twice we could prepare (spicy) ketchup, four times plain tomato puree, and twice salsa from onions, peppers and tomatoes. Around 100 glasses, so far. We are thankful.

  4. No tenen ni punt de comparació amb els que venen en el súper.
    Si tens tomàtigues, cebes i pebrots et pots fer un bon TREMPÓ i menjar-ho amb un bon pa pagès, sense utilitzar els estris de cuina, es menja directament amb el pa i els dits. Això sí, cal netejar-se bé les mans.🤭

    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. Ha, thank you for the recipe. Without having ever heard of 'Trempó' I have often prepared a kind of it for dinner. / Ha, gràcies per la recepta. Sense haver sentit mai a parlar de "Trempó", sovint en preparava algun tipus per sopar.
      Aferradetes, Paula

      P.S.: Is the translation into Catalan reasonably comprehensible? / És raonablement comprensible la traducció al català?

  5. Nothing beats fresh veggies. Tomatoes with actual taste, I love them.

    1. The yellow one is my new favourite. Juicy and fleshy. Delicious. You would like it.

  6. Replies
    1. They are, CherryPie. Imagine you were my neighbour. ;-)
