Saturday, December 16, 2023

Beers & Books CCCXLIV – Emma


Jane Austen
(16 December 1776 – 18 July 1817)


  1. It's been a while. When I have a moment, I must revisit.

  2. Classic literature. Incredibly well written. But what makes me smile about JA works is everyone seems to be well dressed and going to balls yet nobody seems to work🤣

    1. And nobody ever has to pay tribute to their peristalsis ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. [...] Compliments, charades, and horrible blunders [...] ;-)

  4. Embolics amb final feliç, que encara que estiguin situats en una altra època, continuen existint avui dia.

    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. Which is why "Emma" became a classic.
      Aferradetes, Paula

  5. Any Charles Dickens in the Seanhenge library?

    1. Ah, guess what will be posted on the 24th; and there are two more scheduled yet, one for 7 February, one for 9 June. There might follow some more.
      And how – nudge, nudge – can I contact you via email?

  6. Checking in, briefly, to say hello again, as I contemplate the solstice approaching. You will not be surprised to learn that I have never read Jane Austen and never will. Might check in here again next December though... But not on December 31st. New procedure now every year...

    1. Hello again. You will not be surprised to learn you could not surprise me in matters of literature. You are welcome to check in again next December. I might not be able to reply anymore, though.
      Enjoy the solstice, Andrew, and all those you might be allowed to experience. Good luck.

    2. I hope you are ok, but then I am not sure that any of us are quite ok as our number of completed orbits grows. I myself am relatively ok, all things considered. I am trying to appreciate the advantages of completed circles while being philosophical about the drawbacks.

    3. Merry Solstice, dear Andrew. And thanks for hoping I am ok.

    4. You cryptically leave me thinking that you are not ok, but we all should say only what we wish. I will check back in a year or so, if I am still here, and ok. Thanks for your online friendship, now of course much curtailed because I have chosen to fall largely silent online. Andrew

    5. Curtailed or not, the (online) friendship will remain, Andrew. My and Burro's good thoughts are with Margaret and you much more often than I write; and with your kids. ;-)
      Take good care of yourself, my friend.
