Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Cover Story 0010

The Future of the Third World

Toxin Export
Things fall apart
Time of lawlessness
War or what else?

Thursday, September 02, 2010

A voice like a honed pebble

Question to my Irish friends: Is the gentleman raising his arm to greet Luke Kelly at second eight Brian Friel?

Dream a little Dream

What about Order 81, Mr. Obama II

The blogging world is ... interesting.

June 23, 2009, I posted the following: What about Order 81, Mr. Obama?

About one month later, out of the blue, within a couple of minutes I got more than 200 visitors, among them two employees of homeland-security (what a waste of tax-payers money, hm?) and, of course, St. Louis, Monsanto).
That's much for a micro-blogger who does not do anything to catch attention as the few readers/commenters could testify.

What's interesting: I did not count, but there have been some hundreds of visitors since and ... none of them commented.

Too many links?
And what about those who followed the links?
Ah, not interesting enough, hm? Not interesting enough for the average US-American, hm? [almost 100 % of the visitors were visitors from the U.S.A..]   

Anyway, here's my question, again: What about Order 81, Mr. Obama?

PS: If following the links, reading and understanding them turns out being too difficult, you are forgiven. ...  Maybe, you should invite your friends ... for a tea-party.

The peace of the night.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


A Pentagon report requested by President Obama on the conditions at the Guantanamo Bay detention center concluded that the prison complies with the humane-treatment requirements of the Geneva Convention. But it makes recommendations for improvements including increasing human contact for the prisoners, according to two government officials who have read parts of it.
Full New York Times-article here.

So, 2 (in words: two) government officials - unnamed, and thus inofficial - on 'reading parts of it', already know enough to state that Geneva Rules are being met at Guantánamo.


The gentlemen Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al. - altogether (war-) criminals who, under different conditions, perhaps would enjoy the pleasures of life in a Russian gulag or a Chinese re-education camp  - never said anything different.

Now I am looking forward to Mr. Obama's reaction.

In case Mr. Obama shares the opinion of the mentioned criminals by agreeing to the Pentagon Report and therefore deciding to not close Guantánamo as declared during his election campaign, we get following analogy:

Here - due to my exquisite rudimental English -  on 22 February at 23:54 this became a draft and - has been one since.

Today, 61 years after Germany got attacked by Poland - ahem: got it, dear reader? - I think is a fine date to let the draft become a post.