Friday, August 03, 2012

Friday is Skyday

Where to turn left ...
...or right.

Calling myself an Aesthete

Mostly, faded puppies do not look very attractive. 
Certain aesthetes amongst gardeners would, therefore,
pull them out ...
... and probably not come to know ...
... that slowly rotting poppy-leaves are a delicacy for hoverflies.
Anyway, in Seanhenge the elegant bees :) are welcome.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sheer beauty

Some passers-by  tend to call it a mess.
I tend to call some passers-by idiots*.

*in the classical sense, of course.

Of mize and men

A superior being holding the tail of ...
a mouse killed by a cat.
Be sure, ladies and gentlemen,
any Ahmadinejad, Bush, Chavez,
Putin, Obama, Rumsfeld, Merkel, Monti or Chinese politician

does consider you being a mouse.
For them you do not exist.
Same goes for Cheneys's Dick, Lady Cameron and
any Saudi Arabian prince(ss) of incest.

In case you are reading this in 100(1) year's time:
Choose the name of your favourite politician.

The peace of the nigh

Monday, July 23, 2012

First excursion

Almost ready for the first flight ...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Becoming of blackberries

May 27th
June 9th
June 30th
July 10th
July 22nd

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday is Skyday


17:01 b