Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday is Skyday

Aurora borealis
with Cygnus and Lyra
Aurora borealis above observatory

Monday, April 29, 2024

Swallows are back!

Today ‘my’ beloved swallows arrived
and have moved into their nest
above my study. How wonderful!
And since four swallow families
have their summer quarters around our house , ...

and raise their offspring here ...

... at the end of August
there will be plenty of flying activity over Seanhenge

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Beers & Books (375) – Birth & Death(lessness)

It's once again the (International) Day of the Book.
Well, and once again I do not care, but just repeat:
For me 365 days in any year are days of books,
and 366 in leap-years.

Anyway, on 
Shakespeare's 460th birthday
the 408th anniversary of either his dead
and the death of
just to wish a very special literary evening.

May my voice not put you off the realm poetry. ;-)

Saturday, April 20, 2024


Once upon a time, entering a pub one could meet people talking to eachother. Nowadays:

Lonesome elderly smombie

Four smombies,
three of them sitting "together",
whilst – hear hear! – a waitress listens to a customer.

Two more addicts.

How did people survive with but one ringtone?

Oh, and this goes, "of course", also for women ...


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Today five years ago

Exactly 20:58.
Even five years later, my mouth is watering.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Reverse of a Framed Painting

El revers d'una pintura emmarcada

(Cornelis_Norbertus_Gijsbrechts - 1668/72)

For quite some time, at least 36 minutes, the group had discussed what a viewer might expect if Gijsbrecht's frame were reversed.

"Anyway, I think a picture dies after a few years like the man who painted it."

"Hear, hear, Duchamp!" Manzoni smiled. "Gijsbrecht by now is up here for about 350 years, but his "Bagsiden af et indrammet maleri" can still be admired at the National Gallery of Denmark. 

"Papperlapapp", intoned Schönberg, "If it is art it is not for all and if it is for all it is no art."

Braque laughed. "Arnold, you know very well that art is meant to disturb."

"Quite, Georges", Picasso nodded, "moreover, art is the lie that enables us to realise the truth."

"Excuse me, Pablo, but that's shit!" stated Conte Meroni Manzoni di Chiosca e Poggiol.

"Didn't you say the same to your son regarding his artwork?" asked Petrus.

"Yes, but only to inspire him." 

"That's right." Piero Manzoni smiled. "My father inspired me to fill 90 tin cans with 30 grams of my faeces originally to be valued according to their equivalent weight in gold, thus $37 each in 1961. In August 2016, at an art auction in Milan, one tin sold for €275,000."

"Oh god", sighed Pascal, "imagination – it is that deceitful part in man, that mistress of error and falsity."

 "Chauvi!" hissed Nin. "Why mistress and not man of error and falsity?"

 "You won't change him after 350 years, Anaïs." Nietzsche stroked his beloved grey horse. "Blaise will never be able to give birth to a dancing star. He has no chaos in his heart."