Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday is Skyday


  1. Is this sky a bit foggy? Not one cloud can be seen. I love the blue colour.

  2. It is a gorgeous misty blue. Early morning?

  3. Liz,
    welcome, and thanks.

    not a bit foggy, very foggy it was, out of the blue. By checking the label,coming to October 21st and August 6th you will see more.

    early evening it was, at about 5 p.m.. Within minutes almost everything got swallowed by the mist. Fascinating.

    rather still tea-time. :)

  4. I'd love to take some photos in fog but I never see any; same goes for snow. Lovely image, Sean.

  5. Visiting Seanhenge soon you will probably come to see lots of fog and snow, Ashley.
    Glad you like what you see. Fog is a master of minimalism, hm? :)

  6. Now that conveys my current dilemma... to see the blue sky or the fog, the half-full glass or half-empty one, the dissipation or the growth. From enveloping gloom we should attempt an escape, eh? But... tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow... Yes, I'll try again tomorrow. Keep smiling through the fog dear Seanso, if you can, and so will I. But to see both the fog and blue sky, and smile at both, is best, perhaps. It's tough though, when one man takes on the world. But the world should beware, eh? Tomorrow.

  7. Up Don QuiScottie, down windmills, typos and unspeakables!
    There is a full bottle at your disposal, dear Don: tonight, tomorrow and whenever you need a magic potion .
