Monday, May 06, 2013

Bird's Eye View

Their nest is their castle
Shabbiness is in the eye of the beholder.



  1. Nothing ever looks shabby on Seanhenge. It always depends on the land you choose to settle in.

  2. Thank you, Claude. :)
    I wouldn't call this corner shabby, neither. Which is why I wrote the second sentence.

    Mainly I took the photo as despite there's quite a comfortable house obviously two feathered lovers would have prefered to build a nest of their own upon the ladder just below the eaves[?].

  3. Quite true, CherryPie. A bit complicated it gets when the body is somewhere else where the heart not is. :)

  4. "despite there's quite a comfortable house obviously two feathered lovers would have prefered to build a nest of their own upon the ladder just below the eaves[?]"

    To avoid the Panther, Obviously.

    Everything always makes sense.
