Saturday, June 01, 2013

One year more?

(C)old (b)log.
This one has become 6.


  1. Congratulations to the (B)old (b)log on its 6th anniversary.

  2. Thank you, CherryPie,
    and what a pleasure it was to meet you.
    Thank you for all your kindness.

  3. Thank you too Dear Sean, those feelings are reciprocated by me :-)

  4. Congratulations, Sean.
    I'm certainly very glad to have met you. Incidentally, I have Jams to thank for that.

  5. Hm, CherryPie, now Mr. C. has to take it with a smile that I am hugging you. :)

    Thank you, Ashley.
    :) And if I had not stumbled upon "The Poor Mouth".
    And if I had not . . .
    How wonderful to have met you, my dear.

  6. It's a very fine and healthy looking (B)old (b)log you have here. Many felicitations and I'll be happy to know you for a long time to come.

  7. Bravo! Et merci de tout coeur pour exister...

  8. If only we could all sit on a log together, or in front of a log fire, for a chat instead of a blog. But Hmmm... would it be so pleasant face to face or would we decide that via the spinning electrons is best? Face to face you would have to hear my cuckoo-like singing in the cuckoo-berry tree, and you may be disturbed :) I am glad to have met you all (I cannot remember exactly how). Happy Birthday Blog.

  9. You are lovely, Susan,
    thank you so much for your kind words.

    Ah, Claude, thanks for all. It's been quite a while, hm? :)

    Wonderful idea, noble Don, and thank you for your good wishes. We should not only keep it in our minds, but one day just do it, if possible.
    Imagining Claude accompanying you on the piano . . .
    Oh, and I ought not to forget praising the power of prediction that you proved on Omnium's very first post, six years ago.
    Awesome amazing, actually!

    Grazie a te, signora Limoncello

  10. Congratulations, Sean. Maybe in (b)log years this is a (g)olden anniversary.

  11. Maybe, Stan, maybe, and thank you so much. Your blog has certainly become an institution, since. And very deservedly.
