Monday, November 01, 2021

Beers & Books CXLVI – Stephen Crane

A serious prophet
upon predicting a flood
should be the first man to climb a tree.
This would demonstrate that he was indeed a seer.

Stephen Crane
(November 1, 1871 – June 5, 1900)


  1. What an interesting quote. For myself I always hope that those pontificating believe what they are saying.

    1. There is one quote I do even like more. It's the entry to Zülfü Livaneli`s "Engereğingözüdeki kamaşma", published 1996 by Can Yayinlari Ltd. Sti, Istanbul. English title: "The Eunuch Of Constantinople"

      At dusk a man came to a village and said
      he was a prophet. The farmers did not
      believe him, though. "Prove it!" they demanded.

      The man pointed to the fortress wall opposite
      and asked, "If this wall speaks and confirms
      that I am a prophet, will you believe me then?"

      "By God, then we believe you," they shouted.

      The man turned to the wall, stretched out his hand
      and commanded, "Speak, o wall!"
      Then the wall began to speak:
      "This man is not a prophet. He is deceiving you.
      He is not a prophet."

  2. He accomplished a tremendous ammount in his very short life. Interesting post.

    1. It is also interesting to think of that he died at an age when nowadays "young graduates" start their professional career, if at all.
