Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Beers & Books CCLXIV – Jürgen Habermas

"It is not a political decision,
but a constitutional imperative
to maintain a media structure
that enables the inclusive character of the public sphere
and a deliberative character of the formation of public opinion and will." *

Jürgen Habermas * 18 June 1929

* From "Ein neuer Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit und die deliberative Politik", erste Auflage 2022, Suhrkamp / "A New Structural Change in the Public Sphere and Deliberative Politics", first edition 2022, Suhrkamp


  1. Interesting - though I sometimes think that the media has too much power. Not always used for good.

    1. Agreed. Yet, it would also be desirable if every media user were obliged to acquire a certain (media) competence.
      I can't play chess either if I don't know the rules.

      As for the book: Excellent. In case I became 93, I wish I had that intellectual power.

  2. No m'agrada generalitzar, però crec que la majoria de polítics i de mitjans de comunicació se'n foten d'aquest "imperatiu constitucional"... Què va primer: el poder o els diners, o tots dos junts?.

    Aferradetes, Sean.

  3. La crítica está justificada en muchos aspectos, Paula. El nivel medio está bajando, sobre todo en el periodismo local. "Ayer no sabía escribir churnalista, y hoy ya lo soy".
    Pero, ¿son realmente una alternativa positiva los productores de noticias falsas, los teóricos de la conspiración y otros "profesionales de los medios" que se creen gigantes intelectuales? /
    The criticism is justified in many respects. The average level is falling, especially in local journalism. "Yesterday I didn't know how to write churnalist, and today I already am one."
    But are fake news producers, conspiracy theorists and other "media professionals" who think they are intellectual giants really a positive alternative?

    1. Si el periodisme vol dir servir a la societat, haurà de ser independent tant de l'estat com de la influència de les empreses. El periodisme de "copiar i enganxar" pot fer que no es contrastin els fets i que aquells amb bons departaments de comunicació i relacions públiques tinguin una influència desproporcionada sobre les notícies. Això suposa una part molt important de l'amnèsia mediàtica.

    2. ¡Excelente, Paula! Me tomaré la libertad de traducirlo para los visitantes de habla inglesa. / I am trying to translate for English speaking visitors:
      "If journalism is to serve society, it must be independent of both state and corporate influence. Copy-and-paste journalism can lead to facts not being compared and to those with good communications and public relations departments having a disproportionate influence on the news. This is a very important part of media amnesia."
