Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Brave new peace of mind

Not even daisies stand a chance here.
An advertisement reads:
Lawn Robot gives you freedom
and peace-of-mind,
with smart home technology.
Well, if our neighbours
find peace-of-mind in such a sight ...

I do prefer daisies.


  1. Once they came out with a robot vacuum, was a lawn mower far behind?

    Neighbors around here get a bit testy if you don't keep the lawn mowed and they don't like when you have weeds in it. I'd love a yard full of native growth (but not poison ivy).

    1. Your first sentence reminded me of a question I once heard: What on earth did people do when there was only one ringtone?
      As for your neighbours: They would certainly make a leap of knowledge if they no longer called wild herbs weeds.

  2. Me too. And daisies are more likely to give me peace of mind.

    1. Sixty, fifty and even forty years ago, every bit of land here was used for growing potatoes and vegetables. A lot to do besides gainful employment ...
      Now almost all the neighbours have only their lawns ... and are too lazy to mow it once a week or every ten days. I can understand that very well, but even though I sometimes lament mowing, I won't buy a robot. I'd rather pay someone to mow it if I can't do it myself.

  3. Hope the lawn robot doesn't get lost somewhere. :)

    1. Oh, the joy alone of discovering that he has once again gotten stuck somewhere. ;-)

  4. I once managed to lock myself out of a hotel in Belgium. I ventured into the garden courtyard, to find myself alone with a robot lawn cutting device. The door I entered through automaticly closed (and locked) behind me. I had no way back...

    1. Meanwhile, the robotic mower may have shredded a hedgehog ...
      Did you have your mobile at hand?

  5. També prefereixo les margarides... però de molt!.

    Aferradetes, Sean.
