Thursday, September 07, 2023

Insects Bar

Especially during the dry period
in early summer, uncounted insects
appreciated this safe place
to quench their thirst or
simply enjoy a refreshing bath.



  1. We keep water bowls out for the birds and squirrels, although I'm sure the bugs enjoy them, too.

    1. For birds, squirrels and hedgehogs, we have water points on the ground and hanging in the trees, and always with a stone and a small branch so that bees, bumblebees, wasps and co. don't drown, but lined with moss this is probably the safer place for insects.

  2. I am sure they did. Thank you for providing it for them.

  3. Els insectes també passen calor i tenen set i, a més, contribueixen a l'equilibri del planeta (encara que siguin molt molestos per a nosaltres).
    Bonica font.

    Aferradetes, Sean.
    PS: Veig que s'esfumen comentaris que he deixat.🤦‍♀️

    1. At the latest when someone remembers how often they had to clean their windscreen 30 years ago, they should worry about where all the insects have gone.
      PS: I also wonder and don't know why recently some comments end up in the spam folder first.

    2. In the UK, I noticed this year that we have had to clear our windscreens much more than I can remember for a long time. I first noticed this when we had a 'No Mow' may initiative. Grass and verges were left to grow and going forward from that many verges and roadside grassy ares have been left to flourish. Only the edges are trimmed road traffic safety.

      Although the insects are not back to the levels of years ago. I can see the difference this year.

    3. Ah, that sounds promising. There are similar approaches here, but not with the effect you are describing, as fa as I can judge.

  4. Insects and other critters surely do appreciate a chance to refresh themselves.
