The Fable of the Bees |
Bernard de Mandeville (15 November 1670 – 21 January 1733)
John Hume (18 January 1937 – 3 August 2020)
... |
Ali Smith *24 August 1962
Dice la tarde: "Tengo sed de sombra!" Dice la luna: "Yo, sed de luceros." [...] Says the afternoon: "I'm thirsty for shadow!" Says the moon: "I want stars." |
Federico García Lorca (5 June 1898 – 19 August 1936)
Yaşamak bir ağaç gibi tek ve hür
ve bir orman gibi kardeşçesine,
bu hasret bizim.
To live like a tree and at liberty
and brotherly like the trees of a forest,
this yearning is ours.
Nâzım Hikmet (15 January 1902 – 3 June 1963)
Fazil Say *14 January 1970
Scottish Scene or the Intelligent Man's Guide to Albyn |
The Aran Islands |
John Millington Synge (16 April 1871 – 24 March 1909)