Friday, October 09, 2009

If - not the song, but ...

About three weeks ago Nevin posted a poem her father had send to her: Rudyard Kipling's "If".

In the comment section Webwisewoman mentioned that once she had heard the poem put in music, but could not remember by whom; whereupon Nevin wrote: "If anyone else does, please let us know..."

Well, Myladies, I tried but did not succeed.

However, I stumbled upon ... the poet's voice.


With thanks to Jim Clark (poetryanimations).


  1. Thank you, Sean. This is very well done. It's great to listen to the poem read by the author. I wish I could also hear André Maurois, who translated the poem magnificently. The French version has been so inspiring to me, since I discovered it in my youth.

  2. Claudia,
    The voice of Maurois would hopefully not be as - hm - suboptimal as Kipling's? :)
