Sunday, July 20, 2008

Obama in Wales: Ich bin ein ...

As everybody knows this year the people of Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Germany, France and the United Kingdom are to decide who will become the next President of the U.S.A..

This is why Mr Obama is travelling a lot these days, meeting Mr. Karzai, the US-proconsul* in Kabul, Mr. ... oh well, you will know his program.

What you perhaps wouldn't know: It is rumoured that Mr. Obama, by following an advice of the great strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski will not speak in front of the rotten Victory Column in Berlin, but give his eely eloquence a platform in Anglesey.

The name of the historic place is still subject to utmost confidentiality. Only Mr. Obama's most moving last words one of his many right hands was willing to divulge ex ante:

"Ich bin ein Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogocher."

an administrator in a modern colony, dependency, or occupied area usually** with wide powers

** usually, dear readers, usually.

Maniacs won't die off

The title does not refer to Messrs. Ahamadinejahd, Berlusconi, Brzezinski, Bush, Cheney, Gadaffi, Hu, McCain, Mugabe, Obama, Pofalla, Putin, any scalpers, masters of Monsanto & Co., members of any sect, secret and/or surveillance service etc. etc..

However, in case any person mentioned above feels fancy to feel addressed by the title: Very welcome.

And in case anybody misses her/his name and/or the name of her/his organisation: Just let me know, and your name will immediately be added.

End of the beforegoing.

Actually, the title does nothing but mirror the dominating thought while I was reading this article.

Set book for good people

You are sure you'd never (be able to) commit atrocities? I am not.
[Hannah; sj] Arendt's phrase 'the banality of evil' continues to resonate because genocide has been unleashed around the world and torture and terrorism continue to be common features of our global landscape. We prefer to distance ourselves from such a fundamental truth, seeing the madness of evildoers and senseless violence of tyrants as dispositional characters within their personal makeup. Arendt's analysis was the first to deny this orientation by observing the fluidity with which social forces can prompt normal people to perform horrific acts.
One passage in Philip Zimbardo's book The Lucifer Effect: Understanding how good people turn evil (the title of the German edition, published this month, reads: Der Luzifer-Effekt: Die Macht der Umstände und die Psychologie des Bösen.
Instead of writing a review, I do recommend by following the links above to develop your opinion on your own.
One tip, though: don't miss the offered quotations; afterwards - the more in case you did not happen to hear about the Stanford Prison Experiment - you might like to visit Professor Zimbardo's homepage and afterwards hardly can await Monday morning so that you can hurry to the bookshop round the corner and order the book.

Yes, I am aware of that the effect would almost be the same were my recommendation addressed to the birds which right now are sleeping in the trees. :)
Who'd read such book, anyway?
Some scientists? - Fine.
Those who for almost all their life have been trying (sic!) to understand how (good?) people (get) turn(ed) evil? - Fine.
And who else? - Quite!
Or does anybody think that any leader(s) of any state will make "The Lucifer Effect" a set book for their people, at least for all those who want to join the armed forces?

The Peace of the Night!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Rather than reading this at Internation Musing, watching the voyeur in the photo made me think that there exists a certain likeness between anonymous commenters and burqa wearers.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cage as Cage could

As everyone knows July 5th was 'Changing of the Tone' in Halberstadt. Just in case you happened not to be amongst those round about 1.000 connoisseurs in St Burchardi who all excitedly earwitnessed the thrilling moment, and therefore feel inconsolable: the spheric sound will not change until - remember, remember! - the 5th of November.
So when arriving on November 4th you will be able to kill two b ... ahem ... to hear two tones of the John-Cage-project ORGAN² ASLSP within 24 hours.

Well, and in cage case you can't get enough, what about booking one of the remaining 631 years? Personally, I intended to book the year 2525, but then I thought I should retreat in favour of Zager and Evans. Since I have been ranging between 2632 and 2320, the more as 2639 is already sold, but right now I think I shall ask them to offer 2640. I'd really like listening to the silence, after 639 years.

In honour of John Cage I have been writing this post though not as slowly as possible, but at least very very slowly.
And I am quite sure that not only those amongst you who can't read fast will appreciate my gesture.

PPS: For those who wish to buy one or more of the words above: There will soon be a price-list available.

PPPS: Solvent Omnium-lovers who wish to book one or more posts to be published from October onwards, with immediate effect can offer their bids. Just don't be shy - bid high.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Bitter for Mr. Vitter

As everybody knows 219 years ago a few French stormed the Bastille because they were sick to death of their king and wanted to get what they deserved. 15 years later they got an emperor.
For sure a grand reason for a national holiday.

I could go on and on praising the French and their (sic) revolution*, but ... sorry ... right now I wonder
what has happened to the famous David Vitter, who almost exactly one year ago claimed 'he had asked for and received forgiveness from God and his wife - undoubtedly the greatest story for the past 2020 or even 10.000 years, which the BBC gave away though, by mentioning it in a subordinate clause.

Well, googling 'Vitters, prostitute ring, trial', and voilà ha ha ha ... so ho ho ho rry ... hardly ca ha ha han't write.

Help yourself.

Back? And? Isn't this a most touching photo? And wouldn't you say: Yes, this is undoubtedly an intelligently designed couple?

What I cannot entirely understand: As Mr. Vitters has already received forgiveness by Mr. and Mrs. God - and who would doubt his words? -, why would there be an earthly trial? Isn't God any longer boss in his own country?

*French Revolution: another term for replacing a king by an emperor

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Not by Dafydd ap Gwilym :)

Good Night

GOOD NIGHT? ah! no; the hour is ill
Which severes those it should unite;
Let us remain together still
Then it will be a good night

How can I call the lone night good,
Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight
Be it not said, thought, understood,
That it will be good night.

To hearts which near each other move
From evening close to morning light,
The night is good; because, my love,
They never say good-night.

Percy B. Shelley

Friday, July 11, 2008

Just so

Voilà, in case anybody's interested in what German newspapers focused on in their feuilletons, this week.

I'll focus on my dreams.

The Peace of the Night

Summits of pleasure

"It was nice to see you", said the deaf to the blind.

"The pleasure's all mine. You were a wonderful listener."

Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

No joke here

Seems every blogger, regardless if woman or man is posting jokes today.

To make a difference, here's reality news.
This morning, near the graveyard I stumbled into a young man, or rather he hastened into me. Last time we met - it must have been late February, or so - he had just finished his studies for the teaching profession and got taught there's no need for him as a teacher.

The more delighted I was to see him smiling and in the best mood.

After both we had murmured our 'Sorry', he recognised me.

"Ah, Sean."

"An espresso at Vincenzo's?' I asked.

"Would be great, but I'm in a hurry."

"I see. What's her name?"

"Sorry, but ..." And off he speeded. All I could understand from what he shouted over his shoulder: "... 'll ... you ... ail."

Five minutes ago I received an email:

sorry about this mornings' hurry.
There was a very important press conferance at the chemistry. They are going to have an 'Open Door Day'. With bouncing castle for the kids and many more attractive sensations.

Imagine, Sean. End of March I'd not hardly know how to spell shornalyst, and only three months later I happen to be one. I could huck the whole world. Shornalism is the most wonderfull profashion in the world.

But now I have to stop. I am in hurry. In ten minutes I have to email the article (220 lines) to the lady owner, for authorisation.

In hurry,
Yours ...

Well, what can I say. I am so happy for the young chap. It's not easy to find a job in these times.

Every baby will be delighted

Every German citizen should have the right to vote in national elections, even those under the age of 18, says a group of parliamentarians. They've proposed a law that would allow parents to vote for their children.

In case anyone does feel the wish to continue, voilà, here you are.

As I am determined to spend this day far from the madding crowd I shall not comment on mad crowds' proposals.

There is but one tiny word attracting my attention.

Did your eyes detect it, too?

Right. Every.

And what does every mean? ... Correct: Every.

So, what's the following? ... Rubbish?

Well, I'd not go as far.
Let's agree to that the whole article consequently lacks of sense.

How could any accident like this
ever happen? What's amiss?

Frankly, I don't know, as to my knowledge only the brightest brains would nowadays get offered the chance of trying to become a journalist and, after a 6*-education only the
crème de la crème of these brightest brains would ...

Hm ...

hm ...

why would I suddenly think of the White House?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Mission truthfully accomplished

Isn't it strange that sometimes we would feel embarrassed for people we do not even know? Only this afternoon it happened to me again.
Having un espresso doppio at Vicenco's I was forced to hear a dialogue between two strange looking men who may praise the fact they were another weight category than me.
What they said, was so disgusting that - truth be told - I'd never ever speak about, had there not been a voice speaking to me the other moment: Sean, write it down. Word by word. Share it with the blogosphere!

Well, so be it. This is what I heard:
It is well known that children and drunkards always are telling the truth, isn't it?

No soul that would not know this.

That is why it is hard to understand why the White House would apologize for telling the truth about Silvio Berlusconi, distributed in a press-kit at the so-called G8-summit.

Egads! They apologied for telling the truth?

Aye. Basically they said: Sorry, dear Silvio, for insulting you by telling the truth.

Who said so?

Spokesman Toni Fratto.

Ha ha, Toni Fratto?

Not all descendants from Italian immigrants would work for the US-Mafia.

Well, when you can get a job in the firm of the bigger rival organisation. Anyway, back to the apology. Seems like all alcoholics they did regret the morning after. Why would the White House employ a bunch of alcoholics?

Presidential order? After all, like will to like.

Wait. George Walker Bush does not drink a drop since he had an audience with his god. It's insulting to call him an alcoholic.

Who would doubt that Mr. Bush jr. stopped boozing his brain out of his head after the mission was accomplished. However, it's no insult to call him an alcoholic. Once an alcoholic, forever an alcoholic. Ask your doctor. Your doctor will also be able to tell you that alcoholics use to meet the strangest people in delirium tremens.

In this moment I got up and went home. Can't tell you, dear readers, how embarrassed I felt.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Surely pure coincidence

Why would a director of a German institute for Turkish studies, Faruk Şen and
Britain's first Muslim Minister, Shahid Malik, within a couple of weeks basically say "The Turks are the new Jews of Germany' respectively "The muslims are the Jews of Britain"?

Pure coincidence?