Friday, February 29, 2008

Hoisting St. George's Cross

'Hoisting' a flag? Me? Never!

One should never say never (and, actually, I am mostly - noticed I did not write ' always'? :) - trying to avoid superlatives).

Today I am 'hoisting' a flag.
No, not the Irish. The English. The Cross of St. George.


By visiting James at nourishing obscurity you will understand.


  1. Good for you Sean. I do not understand why it is such a no-no. I think I missed the memo.

  2. no, it doesn't seem like a good reason sean and i don't think you've understood.

    this thread has irritated me immensely and i've gone through many rewrites of comments to leave here and/or on james' blog (although i won't leave anything on his - it will only start a flame war with tory tossers). so, i'm breathing deeply and counting to ten...

  3. Why is the flag considered offensive? Why is there a need to be politically correct if there is no offense?

    Storm in a tea cup?

  4. jmb,
    like you I'd not understand. That is why I did what I did. :)
    More in my response to Chris.

    double thanks. :) The first for letting me know you thoughts, the second for your breathing deeply and ... - it made me smile.
    So, why would I hoist the flag?
    Definitively not to receive applause from the 'wrong side'. :)

    For me neither a religious nor a national symbol should officially 'grace' the walls of a kindergard/school/university. Same goes for the portraits of political and religious 'celebrities'. :)

    But why should a young football enthusiast not wear his favourite team's shirt?
    It could, by the way, have the pedagogical effect that a supporter of team A learns to accept that others support team B or team C or ... and if it were for the cognition that without the other (national) teams there would not be much fun. :)

    I think those being elected by the people and being paid by the people are being elected to represent the people's will and not to force their will on the people.

    But exactly this is going to happen more and more - not just in England, but in many countries still calling themselves democracies. The favourite vocabularies are: banning and control.

    Could I make my standpoint clear?
    If not, please ask.

    A final remark: I think James knows that I do not agree to everything he writes, and I am pretty sure he does not agree to everthing I write.
    But I am quite sure that in case one day we'd be fancy of a 'hot debate' we'd afterwards enjoy a nice tiny Malt. :)
    It's a matter of mutual respect.

    Once again, Chris, thanks for not keeping your thoughts for yourself. You opinions are very welcome.

    :) ... perhaps not in a tea-cup, but in a pint. The one's headscarf is the other's flag is the other's ...
    Living together could be such easy and nice. :)
