Saturday, June 28, 2008

R.I.P., Sir Veillance

The tombstone of Sir Veillance

The photo I pinched from James who thankfully had pinched it from Ian Grey.
Thanks to both gentlemen.


  1. I loved that comment when you posted at James' and still do :-)

  2. Myladies,
    you make my heart rise like a falcon up to the sky. :)

  3. A gold star comment Sean. I liked it too at James. I can see it really tickled your fancy.

  4. Ah, jmb,
    just look above, please ... it's still rising.

  5. Bravo! Encore, if possible...

  6. Madame Curieuse,
    it's not easy after a joyeous day to suddenly become serious again.
    However, you are right when adding 'if possible'.
    It's a nice thought, though. And - so far - thoughts enjoy freedom.
    And I do allow myself to enjoy freedom of speech.

    Btw., regards to Sir Veillance and those of his clones who have the pleasure to either enjoy reading this blog and getting paid for it.

  7. Free, in spirit and words! A true kin of O'Nuallain...

  8. Cher Madame Curieuse,
    do you see my lips smiling, and my eyes sparkling? :)

    go raibh míle maith agat.
    Ní i gcomhnuidhe bharhann daidín fia. :)

  9. From Simplissima (who can be often bothersome!)

    He= Cher
    She= Chère Madame Curieuse

    Returning votre sourire et clin d'oeil.;-)

  10. Chère Madame Curieuse,
    the few details you told me about Lady Simplissima give me but a vague idea of her character.
    Still, I think it might be contra-productive did I ask you to let her know 'he's so grateful to have found a teacher'.
    Rather tell her 'silly pernicketiness has been the politest word of this ingrate cretin'.
    This will keep her going. What do you think?

  11. "Silly pernicketiness" killed Simplissima dret on the spot.

    Free at last. Free. Free. Free.

    If only you had never mentioned Monsieur Parfait Voltaire. Hard to please, ce gentilhomme! On verra bien...

    go raibh mile maith agat: may you have a thousand good things.

  12. Oh dear, you told her although knowing she'd detonate?
    Why would I have asked 'What do you think?'
    Ah, c'est bien ma veine!
