Monday, December 14, 2009

Holding out

All flowers of Seanhenge have departed. All flowers? No. not all —

for some indomitable autumn asters,

and marigold

still hold out against the frosty invader.


  1. Wonderful. I still have a semi tropical climber still in bloom and the fuchsias are still going strong!

  2. Considering that they're not human beings, outliving their usefulness to the planet, I truly admire your flowers' stubborness, persistence and perseverance in the midst of winterland frosty death. They give me hope for survival and renaissance. May we all keep going till the warmth of spring returns.:)

    The message is also for you, Jams. :)

  3. Loving the Autumn leaves in there too. The cycle keeps on turning.

  4. Hardy perennials just holding out to give you a special burst of colour before winter sets in ;-)

  5. Dear all,
    replying with four days delay what you saw in the photos above - so to speak - water under the bridge or, as the German equivalent goes snow from yesterday.
    In other words: Pretty strong frost and last night bringing us the first snow, let the brave beauties surrender.

    the fuchsias are still going strong?! In your garden? Ours since last Sunday are hibernating within the walls of Seangrange. :)

    raising my glass of wine (tonight it is a Montepulciano) on our survival and renaissance. To your health!

    although we met only a couple of weeks ago I think I am not wrong when coming to the conclusion that both we do enjoy the same little things.
    May the cycle keep on turning. :)

    wish the perennials were 'hardy' enough to survive -13,6°C.
